Imagine a miraculous cup that hides a light cream after which your skin will be fully rejuvenated. Does this sound like a fairy tale? Do not be mistaken ... This preparation is called hormonal cream and the best thing about it is that you can have it too!
We can't see hormones, we cannot touch them, yet they are with us every day and every hour. In our body, they occur completely naturally and affect not only our psyche, but also our appearance. When they begin to dwindle, an imbalance arises which is accompanied by a number of factors, from fatigue, through lack of concentration and new wrinkles to faded skin. The simplest thing we can do is add hormones to the body. There are several possible ways to do so, but one with its simplicity and efficiency outweighs all other ways. But to understand how the hormone cream works, we need to know how hormones themselves work.