Dobře fungující mozek je základem správné činnosti celého organismu. Zapomnětlivost, únava, změny nálady, poruchy spánku a trávení, potící se ruce, třes a další potíže mohou být signálem, který ukazuje na to, že mozek neprodukuje dostatečné množství látek nutných k nervovému přenosu v buňkách. Někdy k odstranění potíží stačí jen vyladění jídelníčku.
Navíc špatně spíte, potíte se, třesou se vám ruce. Pobolívá vás hlava, zhoršilo se trávení… Dřív jste sportovala, teď sotva vyšlápnete kopeček. Ale kdepak, situace nemusí být zdaleka tak dramatická. Možná že váš pouze mozek stávkuje, protože potřebuje pořádně nakrmit. Spotřebuje obrovské množství energie, ale neprodukuje dostatečné množství látek nutných k nervovému přenosu v buňkách. Zkrátka stárne.
The activity of the brain is significantly affected by neurotransmitters. These are substances formed in the nervous systems of all animals. From there they leach into the bloodstream through which they migrate further into the body. In the organism they enable the uni-directional transmission of nerve impulses between the control cells of the central nervous system and the controlled cells of the muscles, glands, and other tissues. "The most important neurotransmitters include dopamine which is the source of brain energy. Serotonin ensures the feeling of happiness and good temper. GABA induces the calming of the organism and the substance called acetylcholine ensures the proper functioning of the memory. There are many more neurotransmitters. Some are created in the brain, others in other parts of the body.
If there is an imbalance of the neurotransmitters in the body or their quantities are too low, problems arise. Most of these problems are known under the collective name of psychosomatic disorders. These include most commonly abdominal pain, headaches, fatigue or even mood disorders and a loss of the ability to concentrate.
The opinion is that the imbalance of neurotransmitters is connected to burnout and mental fatigue syndrome, the onset of Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis or Alzheimer's disease," senior consultant of the A2C Anti-Aging Clinic Monika Golková explains.
The neurotransmitter level in the body is not stable but varies similarly as the level of hormones, depending on biorhythms. Excitatory neurotransmitters, namely those that are among the energizing and stimulating ones, usually reach their highest level in the morning.
On the contrary, inhibition neurotransmitters which buffer the organism, reach their peak in the evening. The values of individual neurotransmitters can be exactly assessed by a laboratory analysis of blood or urine. If a low neurotransmitter level is found, it is necessary to find a solution.